Friday, February 5, 2010

bad kids.

Being devoid from everything musical that was not in the form of a record or CD lately, I was OTT excited about going to see Black Lips last night at the Corner.

It started out with cups of goon and ended in cups of sweat. I think my friend put it best when he said by the end of the night his shirt was like it had just come out of the washing machine (minus the nice washing powder smell).

The UV Race supported, but they weren't as good as they where last time which was dissapointing as I had talked them up alot to my friend and he bluntly told me that they were shit. But they weren't last time- I promise! I'd heard about The Twerps before but never took the time to listen- they were really good, but I think we forgot to see most of them because it was Sabrina's cigar time.

Black Lips were amazing. It was so hot and squashed up the front, but well worth it. It was so disgusting, but so, so good. I think I am a little bit in love with the guitarst, Ian St. Pe.

It would be weird if I didn't love one of them, right?