Sunday, November 28, 2010

human jukebox

We were on the door for Buried Horses this weekend, so we went, if only to emanate the importance of being on the door list (to ourselves).

While I was waiting for my friend I could the bass of my favourite/least favourite song of theirs and by the time we were in it was over. I don’t know if that was good or bad. They were good, again (I don’t know any other adjectives aside from good and great, anymore. From a scale of 1-5 I guess it’d go: bad, not that good, okay, good, great) and they have a great cover of Ghost Riders In The Sky.

Afterwards I performed a monologue or two to a few unlucky people, then Jim, Ella and I spend $10 playing the ‘best of’ the Tote jukebox. It was mainly Rowland S Howard and it was good.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

trips to spain and china.

Half of the enjoyment of seeing bands is not the bands you go to see, but the crowd—who you see.

I still don’t know that many people in Melbourne, so when someone recognises you it’s quite a nice feeling. I think I knew at least seven people when Buried Horses played as part of the Spanish Festival on Friday night. The band was good too-- I think it just takes a million listens to get used to, like many nice things.

Later on in the night I discovered the mystery of the second floor rooms at the Old Bar, and uncovered a plethora of GV gossip. The secrets mainly revolved around failures of sorts, and because I was so intrigued with these jaw-dropping hearsays I missed out on Midnight Woolf. I heard their cover of Gloria though, which sounded fun.

On Sunday my friend asked me to go to China Town Getdown. There was too much floral, lace and high-waisted pants. I’m pretty sure every band there would cite the Velvet Underground as a major influence. They weren’t bad, bad—Dirt Farmer are nice, but the bands were just all too similar and I was too tired.

Plus, it was kind of boring compared to the previous night.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

last liddiard post.

I know I harp on about Gareth Liddiard like my life depends on it, but this will be the last post regarding him for a while- I promise!

I saw him at the Thornbury Theatre on Friday with my parents, where he playedStrange Tourist in its entirety, followed by an encore of some of favourite Drones songs; I am the Supercargo, Locust and Jezabel. It would be in my top 3 gigs of the year. He displayed so much emotion in the songs, especially the Radicalistion of D (which is intense enough on CD- hearing it live nearly made me want to cry when it got to the 'you're living in a nightmare...' part).

One of my favourite parts of seeing Liddiard live is his wonderfully witty banter littered between songs. I think my favourite was when he spoke after playing Supercargo and he said he was in Mexico hopped up on drugs when he wrote the song, and when he played it back it was so slow.

Fuck, I can't do him justice. I'm making him sound like a wanker.

He's not though.

I don't think.